
Why do we try to please people around us?
Why we don’t have any idea about what is right and what is wrong?
A person in his complete life is engaged in activities which he tries to avoid but somehow have to deal with them.
Throughout our lives we keep on blaming others for what has happened to us but the reality is that we don’t ever want to face our fears because the biggest fear in a human’s life is to face himself.
The reason that keeps on worrying is the same reason which have kept us away from doing the right things in our lives.
Now the question comes what is the right thing?
There are basically two aspects of our lives: right and wrong. The definition of these two aspects of lives varies from person to person. May be for one person it may be wrong to keep yourself awake throughout a night but for the other it is right because that is the only way of his livelihood. Everything is subjective when we try to dig deep into the lives of each and every individual but there lies some similarities in each of us. But those similarities are always kept hidden from us because those similarities tries to show us our darker side which a man is not ready to face.
Why don’t we accept them?
Just give me the answer. Have you ever felt of running a 100 miles in one go or even a mile to. No but an athlete run daily the same amount of distance just in order to give his best performance when he have to perform in front of the world.
If a human is trying he will either succeed or will get the reason for not getting the success and the next time he can work on them in order to get the success. But when a person is not even trying in that situation the person fails to succeed.
Failure is nothing but a reality check that what you have been to doing all these years to your life and it can either give to motivation or may give you other reason to fail and the choice depends on the perspective of the person that how he is willing to deal with it.